Waterproofing & Roofing

From traditional concrete blocks, poured foundation walls to concrete roofs & slabs, Sider-Crete provides simple waterproofing solutions. Sider-Crete’s waterproofing & roofing coatings are strong, durable & easy to install. Our coatings include such features as:




Sider-Proof T – Our premier cement-based waterproofing coating designed for above or below grade applications, excellent for poured concrete and concrete block foundations. Simply mix with water and apply with a stiff paint brush in two cross-coats to provide durable and long lasting protection. Available in different aggregate sizes.

Sider-Proof FF & Sider-Proof FHF Sider-Proof FF (Flexible) or Sider-Proof FHF (high flexibility), for use for above or below grade applications and specialty projects such as concrete water treatment facilities, concrete water conduits, concrete filter bed tanks, ponds and water fountains.  Packaged in a kit & easy to apply, just mix and brush-on in two cross coats. Integral colors possible and both for use in drinking-water applications.

Sider-Proof -HCR – The natural choice when exceptional waterproofing capabilities with high chemical resistance are needed in aggressive environments, such as concrete lined holding ponds at water treatment plants and other waste disposal treatment tanks.

Sider-Stop – A unique, quick-setting hydraulic mortar designed to stop water leaks from cracks or holes in concrete floors, walls and ceilings. Mix, hold in place over the leak for minutes, and the leak is blocked.

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Sider-SealerA water-based silicone-enhanced acrylic sealer. Sider-Sealer is an integrally colored sealer which provides a skid-resistant, protective and decorative finish formulated for application over concrete, most masonry surfaces and Sider-Deck.

Sider-Sealer HD A clear water-based silicone-enhanced acrylic sealer designed to provide additional protection and durability when applied over Sider-Sealer. Sider-Fix Poly – A next-generation clear, penetrating POLYURETHANE-HYBRID reinforcing sealer that when applied to concrete or masonry, provides a very hard, dust repellent, chemical resistant and water tight surface.

Oxy-Seal – A clear, heavy-duty clear liquid which bonds with the surfaces being treated to give a deep penetrating weatherproofing protection.

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Sider-Roof Tile Mortar  – Sider-Roof Tile Mortar is an integrally colored mortar for the assembly of cement/concrete or terra cotta roof tiles. Sider-Roof Tile Mortar is pre-mixed/pre-sanded & formulated to only require the addition of water at the jobsite.  Sider-Roof Tile Mortar benefits from water repellent properties and a consistent blend in every bag.  Custom Color matching available to a specific roof tile color – call for details..

Sider-Roof – Our premier two-coat elastomeric roof concrete coating that combines strength and flexibility to protect concrete/masonry roofs (along with its primer – Sider-Roof Primer).




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