Concrete Admixtures
Various climates and environmental conditions affect the setting times, cure rates and the performance of concrete, stucco and masonry coatings. Sider-Crete’s concrete admixtures are simple and effective to help aid in the enhancement and performance of concrete mixes, stucco’s and masonry coatings, resulting in higher continuous productivity and lowered labor cost. A few of the featured benefits using Sider-Crete’s concrete admixture products include:
Temperature Applications
Oxy-Cold – A non-chloride based, ready-to-use admixture for stucco, mortars and concrete designed to allow application and concrete placement in cold weather environments (down to 17.6º F or -8º C).
Oxy-Heat – A non-chloride based, ready-to-use admixture for stucco, mortars and concrete designed to allow application and concrete placement in elevated temperatures environment.
Oxy-Rapid – Especially formulated for use in cold weather environments to aid pre-cast concrete in increasing the set time by increasing the evaporation rate of the water in the mix while maintaining the resistant properties of the finished concrete.
Oxy-Cure– Our ready-to-use, organic resin based concrete sprayed-topcoat designed for use to prevent rapid evaporation of water from the concrete mix due to ambient conditions such as strong winds, rain etc…
Properties Applications
Oxy-Fluid – Designed for use in ready-mix concrete by enhancing the fluidity characteristics and increasing the plasticity of the concrete mix while at the same time, reducing the need for water in the concrete mix.
Oxy-Plast – Our chloride free admixture that produces a concrete with a lower water to cement ratio and yields greater plasticity with slight initial set retarding properties.
Oxy-Plastair– A ready-to-use, air-entraining & plasticizing admixture for concrete featuring the benefits of plasticity & waterproofing functionality.
We Ship Our Products Worldwide Made in USA.